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These are all work from Software Engineering, along with processes.



My partner, Jing Hui and I were given a prompt to create a movie webpage using index.html, style.css, and local images (and created files if needed).


We decided on creating a horror genre and named it the Pot (1 & 2). First, we made a with responsibilites to get started and organized. Then, we created our webpage based on that plan and did styling with css.

Here's my end results:
Behing the Scenes of the Movie Project 
Preview of the Movie Project 


A challenge I found was in this project was with margin and padding. Half of the screen shows the code while the other shows the webpage but on half the page so while it looks great there, it didn't look look on "open in a new tab". So I kept changing my css: marginand padding selector.



In this project, my partners and I were given the prompt of creating an adventure game with github. The purpose of creating this repository is to practice collaboration and linking files through local repo then pushing it back to remote.


Through a preference form for the topic we were interested in, I was paired up with Yala and Chin for paranormal activities. We started out by creating a planner of folders, files and description that would be included. We were given two options for files: markdown and html, where we begin with markdown files. Incase of not finishing html in time, markdown can be used as backup. When we were satisfied with the folders and files we created, we transferred context from markdowns to html. Changed some of the linking and other minor changes. Then we created a css file for styling so we didn't need to style each file individually. Added colorings, backgrounds, images and all until we were happy with our results . Here's our coding 


After transferring context from md to html, I was having trouble with linking. My files weren't linking correctly on my preview and kept showing "[Mess around with tubes](" . Delightedly, my partners helped with troubleshooting and clarifies that linking in md and html are different because in html an anchor tag and href is used like < a href=""> Preview < /a >. My biggest takeaway from this project is the importance of communication and groupwork. Like asking each other for help and being honest with how we are feeling with our work. I truely would have been struck without my partners' help. My next steps are practicing more with similar projects to this, during this I realized I had forgetten some materials and reviewed them over.

Projects: Projects

Center For Family Life

Starting off, this is a 6 week long program. In the first week, we did activities to get to know each other.

In my experience, at Center for Family Life, I worked with other high school students to create a website for NYC Safety Awareness.
We split the group into 6 sub-groups; design team-builders of the web, stats & facts- providing voca. words,
interviews- job to interview students and create suvery, resource- provide links for calls,
children's book- a children's level book about anti-violation, and social media group- send out posts about NYC Satefy.
With the creation of this website, I was able to work with smaller groups of students and teach students about social justice and ways we create a safer environment not only for us but future generations.

Projects: HTML Embed
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